Thursday, June 26, 2008

i've got seven ways to live my life

I have been tagged by the very lovely Héloïse J from the wonderful In this Style 10/6!

The Rules: List 7 songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, wether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your spring. Post these instructions with your 7 songs, then tag 7 people to see what they're listening to.

Sleepless - Until June
I heard this song a few weeks ago, and it has been on repeat ever since. I think we all can relate to the sleepless nights (I'm having them now since it's summer and it's so much more fun to be awake than to sleep) and the loving someone so much that you can't bare the thought of losing them. And I'm so hooked on the "oehhh-oehhhh-ooehhh's" - they're brilliant.

Wonderwall - Ryan Adams
I know that it's kind of a cliché to say Wonderwall, but I love Ryan Adams' version of this song. I've been listening to it a lot lately, mainly because of the line: "I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now". It's got a more intense feel to it than the Oasis version, and the lyrics really shine through and give a more true meaning.

My Cool - Adam Tensta
This song is one of my favourites at the moment. The Swedish rapper Adam Tensta shines in this song. Just listen to it and (hopefully) you'll understand what I am talking about. And I love his hand move in the effortless, but yet so cool, my cool Tensta.

Mermaid Blues - Tom McRae
Mermaid Blues is so special to me and I will never stop listening to it. A good friend of mine loves Tom McRae's music and it was he who introduced me to this song. I spent a lot of time at his house after my boyfriend and I had split up, and we listened to A LOT of Tom McRae. When the line: There's you shining bright/In a sea of fools came, he said: "This song is about you". It was just what I needed to be told at the time, and whenever I feel a bit down I remind myself of this. It's great to have good friends.

Izzo - Jay-Z
Jay-Z is the best rapper ever. No-one even comes close to him. And right now I am really into Izzo, especially the line: Fo' sheezy my neezy keep my arms so freezy (I dream of the day when I am able to rap this without hesitating! Haha) And: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the 8th wonder of the world - indeed you are Jay-Z, and you might even have a higher rank on my Wonders of the world list.

Dear Miami - Roisin Murphy
Who doesn't like this fantastic woman?! Her music is so original and filled with mystery and vibrance. When I listen to this song, and others by her (like You know me better and Let me know) I always feel like putting on a short sequin dress and a pink wig, go down town to a smoky, dark discotheque and dance just the way she does!

Ella Elle L'a - Kate Ryan
This is one of my guilty pleasures for this summer. Last year it was Rihanna's Umbrella (I must have a thing for songs with ella used in them!) I just love putting this song on full volume and dance like mad around the house. But's summer..when is a better time to go a bit crazy?

The people that I have tagged are:

Romany, Stevie, Ladybird, Molly, Susanne, Rodellee and Tinsley

(and everyone else who feels like doing this!)

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