Together with his election campaign, Barack Obama's face has been featured on flags, t-shirts, and many other things.
Now, he's in red, white and blue custom Air Force One sneakers that features Obama's face along with inspiring campaign slogans such as “Yes We Can” and “Change.”. Van Taylor created the sneakers in support of Barack Obama’s race for the White House. Ten percent of proceeds from the sale of the shoes will benefit Obama’s campaign for president.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Menswear Morts: The Scourge of DBag V-Necks
The always excellent Radar mag traces the deevolution of the men's t-shirt from crew to douchebag cuts. Unsurprisingly, they point the finger at American Apparel. Also unsurprising: when I searched for a photo of AA CEO/ serial sex offender Dov Charney in a V-neck shirt, I could hardly even find a photo of him in a shirt, let alone a V-neck! Go figs!

Sale Shopping - Finally taking advantage
I must confess that I've never really enjoyed shopping at sale times and I used to look on in envy as people unearthed some great bargains. When the masses periodically descend on my favourite stores and mess up the racks and neat piles of clothes it makes me stay away. Of course the clothes are cheaper but the sales experience devalued the clothes in more ways than just the price slash. I've got over that now and I can even enjoy shopping in central London during sale time at the weekend! When I used to get a rash just thinking about Selfridges on the first Saturday of sales I thought that I would never be able to take advantage of the massive reductions on offer. Thankfully, I can and indeed have. I started early and took it easy. Avoiding the crowds I took advantage of the impressive online sale at A.P.C and picked up a bargain of a slate blue fitted jacket.
After getting the taste of sale shopping I had enough confidence to hit the High Street and was fortunate enough to find two steals. Firstly, off I went to Harvey Nichols for the first time in...well I don't know when...and with the sole purchase of buying molecule 01... but as the gf went to look at shoes and with my newly found confidence I decided to visit the menswear floor and I'm glad I did. It surpassed all expectations.
Finally I braved Selfridges which was was somewhat dissapointing and of course ridiculously busy but I still managed to find an Alistair Mckimm for Fred Perry polo at half price.
Please excuse the funny face!
Have you been successful at the sales? Let us know how you get on.
Monday Must-Reads

+ Fashion Architect: The 'Binge's Greek twin? Architecture student with a similar high-low aesthetic and schizo posting style to the 'Binge's. Love the post on hording!!
+ Super Kawaii Mama: Possibly the coolest mom on the planet. A Melbourne blogger, crafter and mom with the most amazing '40s hair ever. I look at her photos, and I want to fly to Oz and start a close-harmony group with her, a la the excellent Puppini Sisters. Check out her photos from the National Gallery of Victoria's Art Deco 1910 -1939 exhibition.
+ Unrealized Fish: I feel a little To Catch a Predator posting this one, because this Norwegian blogger is only 16, but I can't get over her punky-sweet style. Could she be the next Suzy Bubble? Also, she blogs in both Norwegian and English and often discusses pasta. She's like my long-lost little sister!
+ NY Post's PopWrap: I actually like Leona Lewis' cray-cray garden dress. Betsey Johnson maybe?
+ Fashion Toast: More of a look book. San Fran blogger Rumi Neely runs eBay store Treasure Chest Vintage and has style (and legs) for miles. Totally livin' the dream.
Caraghios si destul de cool in acelasi timp, fashionistul fotografiat pe strazile Parisului de facehunter, poarta un top cu imprimeu floral din colectia de primavara/vara 08 Balenciaga pentru femei. De mare efect este clutch-ul in forma de hamburger.

June's Fashion Inspiration
I have decided to start a new feature here on StyleSpot, where each month, I choose someone who's style has made a good impression during the month. This is just a fun way to celebrate some of the stylish people in the world!
As June's Fashion Inspiration, I have chosen Charlize Theron. In the past, I haven't found her to be very daring (though at times she has been seen in some excellent pieces), but in June she has really shone while promoting her new movie Hancock. Belonging to the elegant over 30 team, she has definitely had more fabulous hits than misses this month. In fact I don't think that I can recall any misses! Another reason to why I chose her, is that she reminds me so much of the Hollywood starlets like Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly and Greta Garbo, who's style was so chic and enchanting and who managed to dress their age, but still have that extra something-something. I hope I'll dress just like Charlize Theron when I am in my 30's (meaning I have to become rich and famous to afford her closet!)
This month, she has been seen in fierce shoes that many women drool over (well, I sure do!)...

...and she has been spotted many times at airports looking her usual stylish self...

...just see how fantastic she looks in a grey dress, simple black blazer and big sunglasses... might have something to do with her oh-so-fabulous lean, long legs aswell...
I have decided to start a new feature here on StyleSpot, where each month, I choose someone who's style has made a good impression during the month. This is just a fun way to celebrate some of the stylish people in the world!
As June's Fashion Inspiration, I have chosen Charlize Theron. In the past, I haven't found her to be very daring (though at times she has been seen in some excellent pieces), but in June she has really shone while promoting her new movie Hancock. Belonging to the elegant over 30 team, she has definitely had more fabulous hits than misses this month. In fact I don't think that I can recall any misses! Another reason to why I chose her, is that she reminds me so much of the Hollywood starlets like Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly and Greta Garbo, who's style was so chic and enchanting and who managed to dress their age, but still have that extra something-something. I hope I'll dress just like Charlize Theron when I am in my 30's (meaning I have to become rich and famous to afford her closet!)
This month, she has been seen in fierce shoes that many women drool over (well, I sure do!)...

...and she has been spotted many times at airports looking her usual stylish self...

...just see how fantastic she looks in a grey dress, simple black blazer and big sunglasses... might have something to do with her oh-so-fabulous lean, long legs aswell...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Victoria's Secret Model Miranda Kerr in Gran Canaria Moda Calida 2008 show
Happy birthday to us
Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? It's slightly over a year since we started out and we decided it was time for a bit of an update. We had originally planned to do this in time for the anniversary, but who says you can't celebrate 1 year and 9 days instead?
To celebrate the 1 year and 9 days, we have trawled through the 210 posts and picked out some of our favourites:
- EJ still think that this guy looks good and Steve is still unsure but doesn't want to open up the treggings debate
To celebrate the 1 year and 9 days, we have trawled through the 210 posts and picked out some of our favourites:
- EJ still think that this guy looks good and Steve is still unsure but doesn't want to open up the treggings debate
- Surreal moment of the year (and 9 days) has to be when we interviewed one of Foals
- ...and slightly less surreal but still good fun was when we interviewed Daniel Jenkins
- We enjoyed being a style adviser for the day
- Exploring the tailoring options out there
- Steve enjoyed the challenge of wardrobe salvaging and needs to do it again soon.
We hope you've enjoyed the year as much as we have!
Big-Busted Bathing Suit Bonanza!
In real life, I'm pretty much a straightshooter. Online however, since we haven't exactly all met or anything, I tend to air on the more discreet side -- I'm just not the type of blogger who likes to blog about personal stuff like past sexual partners or number of weekly poos I take or that sort of thing. But, I'll be blunt about this because it's no big secret, it's something many of you readers out there can sympathize with, and because it's pretty obvious -- while I'm short (5'2") and small (around size 8), I ain't exactly wee on top. Like I said -- no big secret. They're quite real, and they're quite a hassle, especially when shopping for bras and bathing suits, and coincidentally I shopped for both this weekend. The former yielded more successful results. The latter, however... oy.
I tried on this lovely one-piece (it's gonna be a one-piece summer, my friends) at Bird:
Surprisingly the butt and tum looked great! The top, however, covered basically not a damn thing. It was like comically pornographic looking. Like Pam Anderson in Baywatch, minus the gravity-defying silicon. Not cute. Seriously, this suit is for AAAAAAAA cups. I seriously felt a bit like this:

... Minus the bulge. Use your imagination. It was ridiculous. So when I got home, I Googled, in a rather rudimentary fashion, "big-busted bathing suits." Again, slightly ridiculous, I know. To my surprise though, I found some really cute stuff for those of us out there who are a weeeee bit bigger than a C and can't exactly pop in and buy suits right off the rack at Target or Old Navy. And, because some of you can, I threw in some "regular lady" suits too, so everyone feels like they win.
($99, Fantasie of England,
I tried on this lovely one-piece (it's gonna be a one-piece summer, my friends) at Bird:
Surprisingly the butt and tum looked great! The top, however, covered basically not a damn thing. It was like comically pornographic looking. Like Pam Anderson in Baywatch, minus the gravity-defying silicon. Not cute. Seriously, this suit is for AAAAAAAA cups. I seriously felt a bit like this:

I can't really tell if this is granny-ish or not, but I think it could actually be kinda cute. By the way, I'd never heard of, but it looks like most of the bathing suits start at D cups. Yay!
($75, Popina)
Sweet, but if you're gonna do polka dots, I think it's best to keep them black-and-white.
($39, Shape fx, Carabella)

I'm a bigger fan of this turquoise shade than the robin's egg blue above. And while the jeweled strap is a weeee bit cheeze-say, you can't deny the awesome slimming powers of shirring. Plus, this suit's got a built-in shelf bra, which is a must, obviously. I might try this one out. And also, I must say, I'd never heard of Carabella, but I'm definitely glad I discovered in my "big booby bathing suit" search, because their selection, range of sizes, and prices are great.
($63, Rochford,
It's a little '80s but still really cute. The tie = quite waist-enhancing, which is a good thing, especially if you've got lotsa business up top.
($39, Shoshanna, Bluefly)
($29, Shoshanna, Bluefly)

Shoshanna makes some of my favorite bathing suits -- especially bikinis -- for the well-endowed lady, erm, even though this one's only available (or only in stock) in up to a C cup. But check out the cute treasure chest theme on the soft pink background! Cute cute cute!
Look of the day: Pharell & Kanye
Cateva trucuri pentru a alege costumul de baie potrivit, in functie de micile/marile imperfectiuni ale corpului.
Picioare scurte: pentru a crea iluzia optica de alungire a picioarelor trebuie avuta in vedere taietura slipului, care trebuie sa fie cat mai inalta, ridicata cat mai sus pe solduri. La piscina poti purta tocuri, platforme.
Solduri late: sunt recomandate costumele formate din slip tip sort sau costumul intreg cu taietura inalta pe solduri, costumul cu pareo. Celulita si fundul mare se pot ascunde cat de cat cu sorturi in genul celor purtate de surferi.
Sani mici: costume cu volanase, incretituri in zona sanilor, sutiene in forma de triunghi sau prinse dupa gat. Este de preferat un imprimeu colorat, vesel, care sa creeze iluzia optica de sani mai mari. De evitat: costume intregi pentru ca aplatizeaza.
Sani mari: un sutien cu cupe si bretele mai late pentru sustinere, costume intregi, slip cu croiala clasica.
Burtica: poate fi camuflata cu ajutorul costumelor intregi, cu imprimeuri diverse sau dungi verticale, care dau impresia de alungire a corpului. O alta varianta sunt costumele retro cu slip cu talie inalta.
Summer 2008 hottest trend: costumele de baie intregi

Jeremy Scott




Celebrity inspiration:
Keyshia Cole

Tori Spelling

Tara Reid

Paris Hilton

Nicole Richie

Carmen Electra

Marylin Monroe

Kim Kardashian
Picioare scurte: pentru a crea iluzia optica de alungire a picioarelor trebuie avuta in vedere taietura slipului, care trebuie sa fie cat mai inalta, ridicata cat mai sus pe solduri. La piscina poti purta tocuri, platforme.
Solduri late: sunt recomandate costumele formate din slip tip sort sau costumul intreg cu taietura inalta pe solduri, costumul cu pareo. Celulita si fundul mare se pot ascunde cat de cat cu sorturi in genul celor purtate de surferi.
Sani mici: costume cu volanase, incretituri in zona sanilor, sutiene in forma de triunghi sau prinse dupa gat. Este de preferat un imprimeu colorat, vesel, care sa creeze iluzia optica de sani mai mari. De evitat: costume intregi pentru ca aplatizeaza.
Sani mari: un sutien cu cupe si bretele mai late pentru sustinere, costume intregi, slip cu croiala clasica.
Burtica: poate fi camuflata cu ajutorul costumelor intregi, cu imprimeuri diverse sau dungi verticale, care dau impresia de alungire a corpului. O alta varianta sunt costumele retro cu slip cu talie inalta.
Summer 2008 hottest trend: costumele de baie intregi

Jeremy Scott




Celebrity inspiration:
Keyshia Cole

Tori Spelling

Tara Reid

Paris Hilton

Nicole Richie

Carmen Electra

Marylin Monroe
Kim Kardashian

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