I stumbled across these jeans on eluxury, luisviaroma and then again on Kanye's blog and I just had to post about them because I just don't know how to feel about them. There is a battle going on inside of me whilst I stare at them...I guess I just have to see them up close.

Whilst I make up my mind about them, I thought would do some research on all things radioactive. Would Radioactive Man wear them? I think not. I then found at there is a Radioactive Man in The Simpsons...god bless Wikipedia and the fountain of knowledge that it is. Ok, enough thinking (time wasting) my conclusion about these jeans is that they could be cool but they are far too expensive for me. If you didn't understand the title of this post, it is a lyric from the Kraftwerk song 'Radioactivity'.
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